Wednesday, July 06, 2005

On the road to a nice bod!

Well... Finally... The time has come... The inevitable is here...

In the end, my mom has won. After a long time, her persistence has won. I've made appointments at 2 different gyms in search of a well facilitated gym and a personal trainer armed with a whip.

2:30pm - Goodlife Fitness
I actually started leaning towards this gym coz I like this location better. It's situated right above a grocery store. I don't know if that's actually a benefit or a downfall. I like it coz it'll help to prevent my fridge from straving. I am however afraid that grocery shopping after a vigorous workout will cause excessive compulsive buying, especially with my pathetic level of self-control.
Sadly, their score plunged from the second I stepped in. I have decided that I will never join a all-women's gym. I find the staff and environment to be less professional. Plus, this venue is small, not adequately equipped. Did I say I hate it when the sales is only interested in closing the deal and becomes really pushy?

3:30pm - Sports Club of Canada
I already know this club is good coz 2 of my friends go there. I liked it from the moment I stepped in. It was a big place, 3 floors, lots of equipments(where I was told will never become unavailable), friendly staff.
For once, laziness paid off! The fact that I never got around to cancelling my membership at my previous gym helped me get my enrollment fee at this place waived! hee hee..
Because I was referred by a friend, he gets to receive a free gift. Since he may not want it, I may actually get to enjoy the gift! muahahaha!

Since I'm still on my search of greener pastures, I hope to be able to make full use of this free time to really get into shape. Janet Jackson's abs? Angelina Jolie's figure? *wink* What's everyone placing their money on? :P

Life = contradictions...
10yrs ago, I have been told constantly that I was fat and needed to lose weight. 10 yrs later, those same ppl tell me I was perfect then. Can someone please tell me what is the sense in that???


Blogger the retired sociologist said...

there are no answers to the questions you seek.

we should spur each other on. i for one, am getting tired of my excessive love handles.

ooook too much info there.

11:15 AM, July 21, 2005  

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