Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Leaving me...

One by one, friends of mine in Canada leaves me. Whether of not they're close to me, I get sad when it happens. I guess I'm just too sentimental.

A friend calls, "Hey Ming, I guess you've heard the rumours..."
"No.. what rumours? What are you talking about?"
"I quit my job and found something else in US."

A send off party is in order:

Time wasted in travelling is why I look forward to the invention of the transporter we see on Star Trek! I believe it will happen, but the important quesion is: "Will I live to see the day? "

On the bright side of things, I just got myself one more free accomodation somewhere on the globe! :) Usually it's not the plane ticket cost that cripples you when you go on vacation. It's the accomodations! That's money that can be spent on shopping!

Everyone knows that distance can be detrimental to any kind of human relationship. I have to say I'm lucky coz I'm still close to my childhood friends. People always ask me "Don't you find it difficult to communicate with your friends back in Singapore?" My answer has always been "NO". Pray it remains that way. We seem to be able to pick up where we left off, share our thoughts and have endless things to chat about. I love it!


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